Your Sounding Board
YOUR PERSONAL ADVISORY BOARD. A personal advisory board for upwardly-mobile, revenue-driven, event marketers who need actionable and on-demand counsel to drive informed strategic decision.
Board cohorts have five members and meet monthly for 90 minutes. Your Sounding Board is guaranteed vendor-free and confidential.
SHIFT HAPPENS. Sometimes you're going to need to make big decisions quickly, or you might find yourself needing to change everything in the moment and urgently need the help of your Sounding Board. We've built that in. Once a quarter, we'll throw up a bat signal and pull everyone in for all hands on deck around your urgent need.
SKIP THE NERVOUS BREAKDOWN. Although we believe in a good trip to the spa, Sound Boards are built to help you out-think your problems without having to work yourself into a nervous breakdown. And because therapy is expensive and rarely tax deductible.
MARKET PULSE. Fast answers from sources that are not only up to date and plugged in, but are actively leading the industry and bring their experience, learnings, trends, and insights from other boards and industry research.
RISK-REDUCTION. Bend the learning curve in your favor. Sounding Boards are facilitated with a consultative approach based on the needs of your cohort.